Back Pain

Chiropractor Adjustment Twin Falls, ID

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Back Pain is the most common reason for missed work.

One of the most common problems that result from back pain is lost time at work. 

Back pain facts:

For people whose livings are made doing physical work, such as construction, landscaping, manufacturing, driving and many other professions, chronic back pain can mean the end of a career and serious financial hardship for themselves and their families.

Common causes of back pain.

Chronic back pain can be caused by medical conditions such as:

Most back pain is due to some form of injury or mechanical issue.

Dr. Golay and the staff at Golay Chiropractic focus on treating back pain holistically, approaching the problem from as many angles as possible to speed healing and achieve the best possible outcome.

A chiropractor’s advice for relieving back pain.

Many patients feel that surgery is the only answer to chronic back pain. However, while surgery is sometimes necessary for severe injuries, most people suffering from back pain can get relief with chiropractic adjustment.
There are several things that Dr. Golay and the team at Golay Chiropractic can do to reduce or eliminate your back pain.

Schedule an Appointment

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    The first step is a thorough examination to determine the cause and the nature of the back problem. This will involve a physical exam and possibly X-rays or an MRI to determine exactly what’s going on with your back.

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    Once the problem is diagnosed, treatment is usually a multi-pronged approach that might include manipulation or spinal adjustments, massage, nutritional changes, exercise and/or physical therapy.

Start Living Without Back Pain

Through almost 20 years of treating back pain in Twin Falls, Dr. Golay has built a reputation in the community as a proactive and caring physician, constantly seeking the newest and most effective ways of treating the entire family. It would be our pleasure to schedule you for a consultation to discuss any problems that you may be having with back pain and determine how we can best help you to become pain-free.

Treating back pain since 1994

Back pain is an extremely common problem and many people feel they have to “learn to live with it” as a part of their everyday lives. According to one study in the New England Journal of Medicine, 31 million people suffer from back pain each year. However, while some back pain can be expected as a natural part of aging, most back pain can be reduced or even cured with proper treatment. Dr. Golay has been treating back pain in Twin Falls since 1994 and understands how much of an impact it can have on quality of life.